Solar Power Plant Design Trainign Course in Delhi, India

We have devised our solar power design training in Delhi, India to meet the requirements of young individuals, entrepreneurs and practicing installers helping them enhance their skills and knowledge. This course will help them understand the designing of current types of plant like roof top solar power plant, land based solar PV plant, off grid solar system(Battery bank system) .with the help of our course the certified individual will be trained in a way that they know what power plant system is needed for the premise and as per the need of the client. their learning would be enhanced and growth would be double fold.
On successful completion of the training and assessment certification is provided. The course curriculum is developed imbibing current trends and changes. we tend to give the best of learning and skill enhancement.
The Solar power plant design training and assessments are currently available at The Advance Electrical Design & Engineering institute at Delhi
Syllabus Outline of Solar power plant Design Course (Online and Offline)
- preparation of pv module data sheet
- prepration cable sizing and selection
- prepration od ESE and Lighting Protection (NFC-17102)
- Preparation of Specifications of Various Plant Components.
- Selection of Inverter for Optimum Generation.
- Design of Strings/ Arrays.
- Designing SLDs from PV Modules to Combiner Boxes to Inverters till the excavation point.
- Earthing of PV Module Mounting Structure
- Lightning protection Calculations of PV area Preparation of PV Array and other Layouts (lightning, earthing, equipment etc.)
- DC / AC Cable, Combiner Box, fuse and other Sizing Calculations.
- Technical Evaluations and Selection of different live Plant Components
- Technical Evaluations and Selection of Different Solar PV Module Technologies
- Preparation of Detailed Project Reports on 1-500 kw rooftop and 20 MW
- Preparation of BoQ of Solar PV Plants (MW Scale, Roof-top , Grid Interactive and Off-Grid)
- preparation of shadow anlysis