Online railway/metro Traction Design(OHE Design Training)

Advance Electrical design & engineering institute will provide career opportunities for fresh as well as experienced engineers wanting to make a career in railway/metro traction OHE design & engineering training course in India .
Traction OHE training aims to streamline the path to enter this highly specialised industry and also share the vast opportunities available in this sector for an engineer with the right aptitude and attitude. The course has been devised with extensive inputs from the industry.
Rail/ metro traction OHE training conducting with Case study based learning, individual & group work, Software skills continual assessments and simulations are part of the curriculum.
Apart from the faculty, practicing industry experts will also train students and regular visit the students on site traction work under executions.
Through the structured design course of OHE traction approach to learning and establishing proficiency and competency in traction engineering, the students will graduate at a level suited to meet industry needs.
AEDEI meet the demand of traction engineers in market as big opportunities available presence in India as well as other countries.
The benefits of traction design course learning the RDSO specificationand other Indian railway norms under a training period within months and easy get opportunities to involve as skilled engineers in Traction OHE.
The Market scenario traction engineer demand high due to a lot of projects present in industries. A skilled traction engineers can get respectable job with consultant and EPC companies.
Anyone who trained in Traction OHE training course needs an introduction to the electrical systems in electric railsystems.
Roles such as a Traction engineer’s estimators,
work programmers and project managershave a background in electric traction are often required toestimate, program and project manage jobs that cover the whole project ofbuilding a rail line, where the traction OHE knowledge is important.
Opportunities after Traction OHE training:
The rail industry is a vibrant and growing field for public and freight transport. It provides a service to customers wanting to travel and to the freight and haulage industry. The railways are a complex system and one of the key parts is the train. Traction engineers have can make carrier in locomotives (also known as traction), carriages (for passengers), wagons (for cargo) and multiple unit stock (rolling stock). We have facility to submit the query on line system of chat on our website.
Our online induction program will help get you off to a great start before your study begins. You can work through the program in your own time, helping you to familiarize yourself with distance learning and your chosen subject, and understand how to get the best out of your time studying with the AEDEI.
Supported learning center from AEDEI
For every module you study, you’ll have a tutor, who will give you guidance, offer advice, and provide comprehensive feedback on your coursework. They will also be your first point of contact for help with any module-related or study issues. Your tutor can be contacted by email or phone, and will lead group tutorials and seminars. They are often online, available for phone conversations or accessing their email during normal India working hours.
Conference help and advice by tutor
We have a huge range of online information and advice, so you needn’t worry if you have an urgent question and the time of day means you cannot call. Most of your questions will already have been asked and answered, and you’ll find them online Chat system.
once you’ve applied for your place at the place you’ll have access to even more online resources, such as:
• Technical help desk
• Learner support advisers
• Available country-specific career information
Technical Help
The Technical Helpdesk is now available to answer queries by phone or email at the following opening times (India GMT times):
Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:30
Saturday and Sunday: 8.30– 18.30
Bank holidays: 12:00 – 16:00
This means that support now starts at 10am rather than 6.30am during the week and opening hours have been reduced at weekends. "These new times follow a review of demand for the support services offered by the Technical Helpdesk and we are confident that the new opening times will meet the requirements of students and who use these services," says the Technical Helpdesk.
The Technical Helpdesk can provide one-to-one advice for issues such as:
• Electrical Designing Numerical Problems
• Application of particulars Chapter
• support and assistance with other IT services and applications
• Online software designing issue
The study experience with AEDEI
Study Materials
You will be taught through a range of printed study materials provided by Advance Electrical Design & Engineering institutes, which you will work through on a week-by-week basis.
The study materials we provide are of the highest quality, and they may include:
• specially written textbooks or workbooks
• online teaching materials
• Relevant computer software for the virtual class room
Depending on your courses , you may receive study materials by post. The materials we provide are yours to keep and to refer to whenever you wish.
You will also get access to a Course website where additional resources will be available. Sometimes there will be books you have to buy yourself or borrow from a local library. You will also have access to a range of resources from the AEDEI Library.
You will get a study timetable that will help you plan your reading, activities and assignments, and you will get information about how and when your tutorials will take place and for most modules when your interview will occur.
You will get the most benefit if you study actively, so it is good practice to treat printed study materials as workbooks: write notes on them, highlight sections, underline key points, make notes on the pages, add comments, or stick bits in.
Need a computer or Mobile
You will need regular and reliable access to the Internet and a computer/Mobile so that you can take full advantage of our online consultancy services. This includes online forums and our vast library, and you will also get access to support from your tutor and fellow Electrical Engineers
All our Courses have a website that will help you plan and organize your study and allow you to get involved with the AEDEI learning community – Entire in the world!
AEDEI Assessment and job Consultancy
You'll be asked to complete pieces of work that will contribute towards the completion of your Module . Your study timetable will include the dates by which you need to submit assignments.
An assignment is a piece of written work, covering material from your courses. Completing assignments helps you to consolidate and use what you have learned.
Interview Consultancy
After Courses complete periods are published up to a year in advance to setup a design engineering carrier and you will be give internal interview in AEDEI, The AEDEI help to push in interview in electrical verticals as per your expertise
Depending on your country of residence, you may need to apply location and interest area of electrical field jobs in your own country and this will be arranged individually AEDEI Engineers .
Contact Information for Online Courses
Mobile -08467024957
whatapp Us :- +918467024957
skypeId -aedei01