Solar Structure Design Course incudes - Civil Strcture Design, Solar Structure Design, Transimission line Structure and Steel structure Training Course

AEDEI is skill development engineering institute which providing Structure and Solar Structure Design Training at Delhi,
kolkata, Noida and Gurugram . and providing placement in pan India basis as structural Design Engineer designation.
Structural Design is a part of civil engineering.
A great deal of what structural designers do involves designing structures such as buildings, bridges,
and tunnels MMS Solar power plant, Substation foundation, Tower foundation Design, Steel structure Design .
The primary tasks of a structural designer include: Analysing configurations of the basic structural components;
calculating the pressures, stresses, and strains that each component is likely to experience;
considering the strength of various materials, e.g. concrete, steel, and brick to be used to create the structures;
making drawings, specifications and computer models of structures for building contractors and
using Different Analysis Software and Drafting Tools.
Transmission Line Structural Design Training
Transmission Line Structural Design Training The increase in demand for electric power has prompted upgrading and building new electrical transmission lines across the World. TOWER is the most widely used lattice tower analysis and design program in the world today! The industry standard in overhead line design and drafting software, makes it the tool of choice for overhead line designers. The demand for experienced line designers and structural engineers is ever increasing. This combined with the aging and retiring of the experienced transmission structural engineers has made it vital for young and incoming structural engineers to become more familiar with the fundamental aspects of design, manufacturing, and testing of different types of installations
Steel Structural Design Training
Steel Structural Design engineering design Any steel structure is an assemblage of different member such as beam, column and tension members, which are fastened or connected to one another , usually the member ends. Connections between different member of steel framework not only facilitate the flow of forces and moments from one member to another member but also allow the transfer of force up to foundation level.Solar Module Mounting Structural Design Training (MMS)
Module Mounting Solar Structural Design Training
Solar Module mounting structures Design play a very important role in an efficient working of
a solar power plant Design .Some of the projects have adopted a combination of steel structure and aluminium
structure where in vertical legs are made off hot dipped galvanized steel and rest of the members are made off extruded aluminium
Types of Solar Panel Mounting Structure
1. Rooftop Mounting Structure
2. Tin Shed Mounting Structure
3. Ground Mounted Structure
In a rooftop mounting system Design Training , the solar PV panels will be installed on roof of any building.
It can either be any residential building or any commercial/industrial building. In rooftop mounting system,
the roof on which the solar array will be installed can be of two type.
• Standard Rooftop Mounting Structure
• Elevated Mounting Structure
In railed mounting structure,
solar panels are fixed on several rails through a set of clamps. These rails are made of Aluminium.
The rails are attached properly with your roof by using drill and nut-bolts.
This is the most common type of mounting the panels.
In elevated solar panel structure, solar panels are installed at a height of 12 to 15 ft.
There will be a little room type space behind the mounting structure.
Ground Mounted Structure Design Training
It is also a most common type of mounting structure. This is most common type of ground mounting structure .
In this system, land will be excavated to put the vertical pipes surrounded by a concrete foundation.
Geological factors affect this process the most. The land is strong enough to hold the mounting structure or not,
it finalize after the site analysis by the solar experts.
Ballasted mounting structure is another option for mounting your solar panels if your
land is not suitable for foundation mounting.
In ballasted solar mounted structure , pre-cast concrete block anchor will be used.
Your solar structure will be fixed by using cementing materials.
In single pole mounting system ,
a simple steel pole with a concrete anchor will be fixed on the ground.
The solar panels are fixed on this pole .
The pole can be expandable by using heavy steel mounting sleeves,
which are specially designed. In multi pole mounting system,
a number of poles will be used in a single horizontal line. The solar panels will be fixed on these poles.
You can extend the mounting structure as per your desire by adding supporting poles.
Syllabus Outline of Structure Design Course (Online and Offline)
- Preliminary Plant Planning
- Module mounting Structure Design
- Module mounting structure foundation
- Design of Ground mount solar structure(Cold formed Steel)
- Design of Roof mount solar structure(Cold formed Steel)
- Design of Steel structures(Hot Rolled steel)
- Connection Design
- Foundation Design
- Retaining wall Design
- Design of Structural Elements
- Loads Analysis & Size Calculation.
- Bar Bending schedule
- Bill of Quantity and Bill of material
- Projects Development & industrial guidance programme session