Online Power factory Software Training in Delhi
This software and consulting company providing engineering services in the field of electrical power systems for transmission, distribution, generation and industrial plants. In addition, DIgSILENT has a particular interest in the fields of simulation and grid integration of renewable energies.
The course introduces various aspects of the DSL language, including the description of differential equations, issuing simulation events and coding dead-times, giving the participant the opportunity to practice with a wide range of different type of proposed exercises different aspects of DSL modelling. A procedure and guide to establish initial conditions will be exposed and practised.
Some Key point of PowerFactory software which inlcude:
- Introduction to the graphical user interface;
- Introduction to the PowerFactory data structure and PowerFactory project management;
- Entering network information to PowerFactory;
- Load-flow analysis;
- Analysing results using the built-in object filters/browsers;
- Modifying variable sets for display in the SLD or flexible data page;
- Presenting and analysing load-flow calculation results using the single line diagram;
- Using the calculation comparison tool;
- Generating the built-in ASCII reports;
- Reactive power control (transformer tap control, shunt switching, generator capability curves);
- Active power control (assigning the slack bus and using a distributed slack);
- Substations (beach balls), branches and templates;
- Distribution system analysis tools (voltage profile plots, feeder modelling, optimal capacitor placement);
- Modelling of unbalanced systems (2-phase, SWER etc);
- Short circuit (fault) analysis according to IEC and Australian standards;
- Expansion and operational planning using variations and operation scenarios;
- Modelling overhead line geometries and mutual couplings;
- Project management using versions;
AEDEI to conduct power system analysis, customers are able to: