To enhance Electrical Engineers creativity and problem solving skills To build the spirit of team works in design, To enhance students communication skills Keeping in view that the Electrical Design and ethics courses are of vital importance to Electrical Engineers, these courses were been restructured and offered by Industrial Advisory Community of AEDEI . The advisor is a liaison between the industry and the programme where he can advise on the industrial relevance of the following:
1. Electrical Design projects (through examining the topics and quality of work as well as the student's discussion / presentations)
2. Advising on the relevant component of the programme curriculum
3. Proposing Industrial related Design Engineer Demand
4.Teaching and learning, research and publication, consultancy and services.
AEDEI Accreditation have global recognition within the global education industry that will facilitate mobility of students and professionals internationally especially Electrical Design such as design engineering education.
AEDEI Accreditation from ISO 9001:2015 is a useful tool towards the achievement of best practices in engineering education and to ensure standard is maintained in the delivery of Design engineering programmes.